
Monday, August 6, 2007

The $10 Million X Prize - Calling All Green Automakers

Here is a call for all green automakers. More than 30 teams have sent in letters of intent to participate in the $10 million Automotive X Prize. The participating cars run on a range of fuels, including electricity, natural gas, diesel or unleaded gasoline. But, they need to get at least 100 mpg and complete a long distance race. The terms don’t end here only. All of them must be low emission vehicles with a genuine business plan. One last term is that you should have a strong plan to fabricate 10,000 units of your entry at a reasonable price. Among the strong contenders are the Tesla Motors, Kinetic vehicles and ZAP motors. You will also see the FuelVapor Technologies’ FuelVapor AlĂ© concept car in the competition. The X Prize Foundation will be using the upcoming auto shows to find sponsors for making $10 million in cash.

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