
Friday, July 13, 2007

Batman Themed Super Home Theater Space

Here is something specially meant for all the Batman buffs. The DC Audio Video Systems’ Batcave theater room made you drool last time and now, a company dubbed BKZ Contractors has modded the house of a Batman fan by using the basement to create a Batman styled home theater. The fundamental point of this theme theater is the homeowner’s ultimate collection of Batman figurines. Isn’t that more than enough to make any comic book buff envy?
Here is something specially meant for all the Batman buffs. The DC Audio Video Systems’ Batcave theater room made you drool last time and now, a company dubbed BKZ Contractors has modded the house of a Batman fan by using the basement to create a Batman styled home theater. The fundamental point of this theme theater is the homeowner’s ultimate collection of Batman figurines. Isn’t that more than enough to make any comic book buff envy?

The Batman home theater room measures 16 feet wide and 20 feet deep with a low ceiling. Despite the fact that the very space was damaged to some extent owing to flooding, the theater room looks so gorgeous that you can’t even think it was once in a messy state. To save space and to accommodate seating, the installer fabricated top-lit boxes to showcase the figurines, in the form of in-wall sidelights or sconces. The in-wall speakers and Novawall acoustic paneling on the front wall makes the startling home theater look munch pricier than it is.

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